Market Report 13.09.2024

Osterhorn, Friday, 13.09.2024

The US $ in EURO: 1,1090

What happened this week

September is traditionally a period of transition. And that’s also the impression it gives this year. For whatever reason, people always return from the summer break with high, if not too high, expectations of how the leather business will develop. However, these expectations, especially on the positive side, can only be met in the very positive phases of production and consumption. In all other years, the motto is patience and wait and see. As the trade fair in Shanghai was also unable to provide any particularly positive impetus, all eyes and expectations are now focussed on the trade fair in Milan next week. This will certainly have a much greater impact and significance for the development of the leather business in the coming months than the trade fair in Shanghai. However, in such difficult times as these, it has a considerable disadvantage. It thrives on the fundamental willingness of consumers to take an interest in consumer goods and, in our case, in particularly beautiful consumer goods. But this year, consumer sentiment is relatively weak almost everywhere in the world and consumer behaviour has changed significantly in many respects over the last twelve months. Unfortunately, most of these changes have had a negative impact on leather production. There is therefore an urgent need for a new stimulus that will positively influence consumer demand in general and material leather in particular. At the moment, it is frankly very difficult to develop hopes for this. Nevertheless, both the articles that we will see next week and the general sentiment will give us clear indications of developments in the coming months. The only question that remains is how the interpretations are made and perceived. In the current situation, it is hardly advisable to take a reflexive, wishful view. We can look at the general sentiment because there was almost no activity on the hide markets this week – at least in our country. There were no major follow-ups from Asia, nor were any expected, and in Europe people are waiting for the results and talks in Milan and presumably also for the weeks afterwards. As a result, the market remains in a state of paralysis. Sellers are doing everything they can to avoid having to give in to market pressure and buyers are grudgingly accepting the fact that their sometimes extreme requests for price reductions cannot yet be realised. In this context, we can only repeat that major price changes would probably have no influence whatsoever on the volume of transactions during this period. As a result, we had just to deal with individual and random transactions this week and wait for the next major deals to be concluded with regular customers in Europe.

The kill

The very warm days of this summer came to an end last Sunday. Temperatures dropped significantly and an autumnal mood slowly began to spread. Due to the lower temperatures and the end of the harvest phase, farmers were obviously ready to sell more livestock again. The return of holidaymakers and the end of the school holidays in the last federal states also led to an improvement in demand. Relatively high prices for live cattle may also have contributed to a noticeable improvement in supply for slaughterhouses. Seen in this light, everything is following the usual seasonal cycles and this is likely to remain the case in the coming weeks.

What do we expect

Almost everyone will have noticed that almost all of the public reports are increasingly moving away from the much loved price forecast that used to seem so important. The volatility of prices has decreased significantly and for many origins the possibility of major and further price falls is very limited. Its further evidence that price is not the central problem for the industry at the moment. We need orders to increase again in all major production centres so that the plants are working at full capacity again and the entire supply of raw materials can be resumed. We still do not see a turnaround in the near future and only hope that the general seasonal upturn in production will ease the pressure that would otherwise quickly build up again.

Price Table

Type Weight range Avg. green weight Salted weight Avg. weight salted Price per kg Trend
Ox | Heifers 15/24,5 kg 22,0/23,5 kg 13/22 kg 20/21 kg € 0,95 Weaker
25/29,5 kg 27,5/28,5 kg 22/27 kg 25/26 kg € 0,75 Weaker
Dairy cows 15/24,5 kg 22,5/23,5 kg 13/22 kg 20/21 kg € 0,50 Weak
25/29,5 kg 27,5/28,5 kg 22/27 kg 25/26 kg € 0,50 Weaker
30/+ kg 33,5/35,5 kg 27/+ kg 29/31 kg € 0,50 Weak
Bulls 25/29,5 kg 27,5/28,5 kg 22/27 kg 25/26 kg € 0,90 Weak
30/39,5 kg 36,0/37,0 kg 24/34 kg 31/33 kg € 0,90 Weak
40/+ kg 45,0/48,0 kg 34/+ kg 38/40 kg € 0,95 Weak
Thirds 15/+ kg 25,0/27,5 kg 13/+ kg 24/26 kg € 0,40 Weak
Thirds bulls 30/+ kg 38,0/40,0 kg 24/+ kg 33/36 kg € 0,50 Weak

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