Market Report 12.07.2024

Osterhorn, Friday, 12.07.2024

The US $ in EURO: 1,0900

What happened this week

The start of the holiday season is slowly becoming apparent. The number of e-mails with an out-of-office note or a reference to the holiday interruption in the coming weeks is increasing daily. Nothing about this is really surprising or would have any impact beyond the normal annual interruptions. Besides, we have all known for a long time when the holidays will interrupt leather production in Europe for a certain period of time. This would all be far less significant if the conditions we face this year before the holidays were too different from normal. Normally, prices are often under pressure before the holidays, as purchases in Europe decline, deliveries are interrupted and only sales and outflows overseas remain. However, there have also been even years when tanners actively wanted to supply their production for the first few weeks after the holidays and therefore the sales pressure before the holidays was not too high. Not this year. In the end, it all depends on the demand for leather, which determines how much raw material is needed and how busy the leather factories are. For some time now, people have been wondering how the reduced capacity utilisation in Europe could be reconciled with the overall stable or, in some cases, even increased supply of raw materials. There have been many theories about this. For the lower-priced goods – primarily cows – there has always been the possibility of selling them to Asia for months now, if one was prepared to accept the weekly market price. For other hide groups, the situation is less clear and unambiguous, which is why there were a variety of views on what happened to the hides that could not find a home in the European drums in any case. It is now increasingly clear that these hides have been parked between the various production stages and is slowly but surely becoming an ever greater burden. From salted to finished leather, larger stocks can be found everywhere. This is not a problem as long as the owner sees no need to sell these goods, then they are not available on the market. In the meantime, however, there are increasing signs that the desire to sell the goods is directly linked to a dwindling optimism that the demand for leather will be increasing and thus the stocks could serve. In the end, it is an attempt to square the circle. This week’s sales were clearly characterised by this overall market situation. In Europe, we could no longer see any buying interest, as tanners are obviously preoccupied with other problems than the fear of possibly not having enough raw material available. Overseas, the market is the same as we are used to. There are always buyers, but the situation has already been recognised there too, or they are also in the same situation. It is relatively easy to take advantage of the opportunity and further reduce the price of your raw material stocks. As a result, there were only very, very low bids, and this week we decided to skip them. For some of the main categories, we have now returned to price expectations that would make the collection and preparation of the hides no longer commercially viable. In the end, apart from a few smaller deals for niche manufacturers, there are no sales to report.

The kill

The only thing we can see that is currently behaving reasonably normally is slaughtering. The holiday season is making itself felt, in some cases entire slaughter days are being skipped, which of course means that volumes are falling, but that is hardly surprising for this time of year. In our region, conditions are almost paradisiacal for the farmers. Warm temperatures, sufficient rain and at the same time higher milk prices and stable prices for live cattle. This is unlikely to change much in the next 4-6 weeks if the lower slaughterings remain at the stable, holiday level over the next few weeks.

What do we expect

Making any kind of market forecast at the moment is relatively pointless. We are facing a structural problem and not a problem of temporary fluctuations in supply and demand. We don’t know how others are dealing with this situation, which makes it urgent to start looking at possible scenarios for the rest of 2024. The end of the holiday period at the end of August leaves only four months to go, based on the calendar. The traditional tools and probably also past experience do not appear to be particularly useful, at least at the moment, for gaining a reliable picture of future developments In any case, there is no sign of a rapid improvement in the coming weeks

Price Table

Type Weight range Avg. green weight Salted weight Avg. weight salted Price per kg Trend
Ox | Heifers 15/24,5 kg 22,0/23,5 kg 13/22 kg 20/21 kg € 1,00 Weaker
25/29,5 kg 27,5/28,5 kg 22/27 kg 25/26 kg € 0,80 Weaker
Dairy cows 15/24,5 kg 22,5/23,5 kg 13/22 kg 20/21 kg € 0,50 Weak
25/29,5 kg 27,5/28,5 kg 22/27 kg 25/26 kg € 0,50 Weaker
30/+ kg 33,5/35,5 kg 27/+ kg 29/31 kg € 0,50 Weak
Bulls 25/29,5 kg 27,5/28,5 kg 22/27 kg 25/26 kg € 0,90 Weak
30/39,5 kg 36,0/37,0 kg 24/34 kg 31/33 kg € 0,90 Weak
40/+ kg 45,0/48,0 kg 34/+ kg 38/40 kg € 0,95 Weak
Thirds 15/+ kg 25,0/27,5 kg 13/+ kg 24/26 kg € 0,40 Weak
Thirds bulls 30/+ kg 38,0/40,0 kg 24/+ kg 33/36 kg € 0,50 Waek

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