Commitment to quality
Our number one goal is to be the preferred supplier to our customer. To achieve this, we strive to accomplish the following important goals:
Our number one goal is to be the preferred supplier to our customer. To achieve this, we strive to accomplish the following important goals:
We want satisfied customers each and every time. As such, the high quality of our production and services is one of our most important company goals.
The standards for producing a quality product are set by our customers. Any criticism of our production has been the key to our success. Continuous close relations with our customers ensure any ideas and wishes are taken into consideration in our production.
Quality assurance and improvement is our businesses responsibility. Everybody is responsible for quality in their area of competence. Our commitment to quality includes being responsible for the community and the environment throughout the development, production, distribution and sales of our products.
Our quality goal is “no mistakes” or “100% perfect”. In order to reach this objective in its entirety, goals in the pertinent areas are instituted. Measures to avoid mistakes are of significant meaning. Not only mistakes themselves but also their consequences must be eliminated.
Products and services must continue to be of consistent high quality satisfying customer expectations.
We continually strive to improve the quality of our products, services, production methods and the working environment. As a result, our employees are included in the entire company development. Each employee has the duty to solve any problems that could impair the quality of our products and services.
Every employee and superior is pivotal to our suppliers and customers. The significance of the relationship to our customers and our obligations as a supplier are equally important externally as well as internally. That’s why each and everybody must attempt to produce internally the highest quality possible.
Through regular and continual training programs our employees posses the required knowledge to ensure quality and the methods for quality assurance. It remains an executive duty to attain employee awareness at all levels regarding quality maintenance as well as increasing awareness through appropriate guidance.
We insist on high and consistent quality from our suppliers. Consequently, we choose only suitable suppliers whose inclination to producing the highest quality can be regularly assessed.
Carrying out our principles of quality serve to assure quality in the organization. This principle remains the direct task of the managing directors.
The slaughter industry needs a partner that processes, prepares and collects the hide (a valuable by-product) as this is the only way to ensure long-term, safe and successful utilization of this valuable raw material. In addition to short term profit maximization, it is important that quality improvements continually appear in the forefront. This is only possible with a partner who provides immediate records of relevant data and instant reports of quality difficulties. Our computer supported recording and sorting process has set the standard for years and is the requirement for a long term and complete quality control. This allows for information about the slaughter trade and it’s produced goods to be consistently available.
The delivery of carefully weighed, sorted, trimmed and preserved raw merchandise has been self evident for years. In order to achieve the best results, we are committed to placing more specific demands on the raw material. A tanner needs a partner who possesses necessary resources enabling them to react quickly and competently towards changing demands and raw material and logistic problems. Leather production is developing further into a specialized technology that requires specially prepared raw and half finished merchandise. In the last few years, we have succeeded with specializing and are ready to serve any customer with practically all known variations. The leather industry can turn to us to satisfy all of their individual needs as precise as possible. The supply chain is asking for traceability today. For consumer protection and safety a EU-wide traceability system was implemented after the BSE problems in 2001 which covers still completely the actuals concern of the industry and consumer.
Bornkamp 2
25364 Osterhorn
Tel.: +49 (0)4127 / 97980
Fax: +49 (0)4127 / 979899
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