Market report 23.06.2023

The kill The beef business remains a problem. Sales volumes are unsatisfactory and despite the lower prices for live cattle, the market simply cannot find a healthy balance. Exports to Southern Europe and a fairly active business with the restaurants and catering are offset by sharp declines in meat demand in the food retail sector. […]

Market report 16.06.2023

The kill The price for live cattle has stabilised somewhat at the moment. Slaughterhouses and food retailers report a somewhat more balanced market situation. The supermarkets‘ special offers, however, speak a somewhat different language – one does not get the impression that there has been a sustained improvement at the moment. For the kill it […]

Market report 09.06.2023

The kill No change in the kill. In our region not hampered by the holiday and we could look back on a normal production week. The beef business is not improving at this time of year nor are meat producers pressing larger stocks in the cold stores and freezers. Looking at live cattle prices, they […]

Market report 02.06.2023

The kill The kill is at a normal level for this time of the year. Holidays and a general reluctance to buy beef are also reflected in the slaughter figures. This is nothing special either, and it is similar every year until August, so there will be no major change in our region. Live cattle […]

Market report 26.05.2023

The kill The kill remains low. Next week there is another public holiday on Monday and therefore production is  curtailed again. Both from the political side and from general demand, the slaughter industry continues to face an icy wind. This is especially true for pork, but overall it is not much better for beef. Capacity […]

Market report 19.05.2023

The kill The kill remains low and due to the public holiday on Thursday the numbers were very small. That puts a strain on operations and costs everywhere, but that it the same situation every year. The next week we have a full production week only to lose another day the week after. The weights […]

Marketreport 12.05.2023

The kill We are now in the weeks of the year when public holidays repeatedly interrupt or shorten the weeks. It is extremely annoying both from a logistics and warehouse organisation point of view. The weekly production is thus always reduced and this will continue accordingly in the next few weeks. What do we expect […]

Market report 05.05.2023

The kill The kill remains unsatisfactory. This week was also shortened by a public holiday and in the remaining days the numbers were also below the quantities that should actually be expected. The meat business remains poor and slaughterhouse utilisation well below normal levels. On the one hand, the livestock figures actually show sufficient supply, […]

Market report 28.04.2023

The kill The kill is down again very significantly. The meat business in the supermarkets is simply too bad and we are now at the beginning of the low season in Europe. The relatively low temperatures of the last week did not help what is normally the case. By all accounts, the low slaughter levels […]

Market report 21.04.2023

The kill The kill has dropped again over the last few weeks. The beef business is apparently similarly unsatisfactory as the leather business. Temperatures are starting to rise and the cattle will now slowly return to the pastures. There is usually not much impetus for additional beef consumption in Europe at this time of year […]